Window Glazing Types

 Window Glazing Types

Glazing refers to the layers of glass that are sealed in a frame to make up a window. Traditionally, single glazing, with just one pane of glass in the frame, was used.

Today, double glazing, with two layers of glass – or even triple glazing, with three layers – is increasingly popular because it reduces the amount of heat lost through windows and helps increase the energy efficiency of your home.

Glass and window

Single glass

A single pane of glass provides very poor insulation because glass is a good conductor of heat. Much of the heat in your room literally goes out the window.

Glass and window

Double glazing

Install double glazing and you have a layer of air trapped between two panes of glass. Because air is a poor conductor of heat, much less heat is lost through the window.

Glass and window

Double glazing – Low E costing

If the inside of one pane has Low E coating, even less heat is lost, because the coating reflects heat back into the room.

Post time: Apr-13-2020